
Exploring Cumberland’s Mount


Well, amongst the most trying of times, this covid-era lockdown is bringing some shards of light. With our once a day walk in the woods and fields and plenty of time to research and reflect, Part 1 of Jeremy Taylor’s new published work ‘Staverton – Wonderland of Kings’ is now available…

Download > Staverton – Wonderland of Kings Pt1

As a taster, take a look at this video that Jeremy took when he was fortunate enough to be allowed access to the private part of Staverton Park to explore the area around the earthwork of Cumberland’s Mount and it’s mighty oaks. It’s a mind-blowing primal landscape, and a visit not to be forgotten.

We’d also like to extend our thanks to you all for following our movements online, and we’re chuffed to report that we now have nearly 320 followers on our Facebook page and have had a whopping 11,000 visits on this site which is incredible. When we launched late last December we never imagined that so many folk would be this interested in our work, it’s really satisfying to see Arcane Landscape grow and thank you for being part of it.

So as we welcome in the festival of Eostre, the ‘movement towards the rising sun’ we wish you all good health.